Wyndham Lewis painted “A Battery Shelled” in 1919. He served in the war as a lieutenant with the British artillery and became the official artist of the war in 1917 for both the British and Canadian governments. “The soldiers we see in there have lost their human form and seem more like robots or machines, metaphor of the human degradation that Lewis witnessed in the battlefield,” according to the art blog “Silver and Exact.”

(RNS1-JULY 23) Wyndham Lewis painted “A Battery Shelled” in 1919. He served in the war as a lieutenant with the British artillery and became the official artist of the war in 1917 for both the British and Canadian governments. “The soldiers we see in there have lost their human form and seem more like robots or machines, metaphor of the human degradation that Lewis witnessed in the battlefield,” according to the art blog “Silver and Exact.” For use with RNS-WWI-LITURGY transmitted July 23, 2014. Public domain image