big banks

Extending a financial lifeline, Episcopal Church credit union launches in the Bronx

By Meagan Saliashvili — May 19, 2023
NEW YORK (RNS) — 'Most of us are not wealthy,' said one local resident. 'It’s impossible for us to get a loan from the commercial banks. So the only opportunity is to go to the loan sharks,' where the interest charged is 'overwhelming,' she said.

The lesson of Silicon Bank: Regulations protect good businesses as well as consumers

By Thomas Reese — March 20, 2023
(RNS) — Libertarian capitalists are hypocrites. They hate government regulations, but when they are in trouble, they expect the government to bail them out.

COMMENTARY: Let’s hold the wealthy and powerful accountable

By Tom Ehrich — July 31, 2012

(RNS) Instead of turning on each other, as the wealthy and powerful want us to do, let's name the bad and incompetent behavior of the wealthy and powerful - and hold them accountable. By Tom Ehrich.

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