Eric McDaniel

Texans will vote in November on whether governments can limit religious services

By Alejandra Molina — October 20, 2021
(RNS) — If voters approve the measure, known as Proposition 3, it would add a new section to the Texas Constitution forbidding governments from prohibiting or limiting religious services.

Reformers want Congress to end ban on pulpit politicking

By Sarah Pulliam Bailey — August 14, 2013
(RNS) An independent commission recommended that members of the clergy should be able to say "whatever they believe is appropriate" from the pulpit without fear of IRS reprisal.

Black pastors move to counter new voter ID laws

By Adelle M. Banks — September 6, 2012

(RNS) African-American clergy are joining forces with civil rights groups to push for increased voter registration ahead of the November election, spurred on by new voter laws they say restrict opportunities for minorities to enter the voting booth. By Adelle M. Banks.

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