First Amendment Center

Supreme Court prayer ruling may spur new alliances

By Kimberly Winston — May 7, 2014
STANFORD, Calif. (RNS) While the Supreme Court decision allowing sectarian prayer at government meetings was a blow to secular organizations, it may also lead to some unlikely alliances.

Texas cheerleaders clamor for G-O-D at football games

By Kimberly Winston — September 20, 2012

(RNS) Cheerleaders at an East Texas high school are fighting their school district's orders to stop using Bible quotes on their signs at football games. By Kimberly Winston.

Missouri prayer amendment passes by wide margin

By Kellie Moore — August 8, 2012

COLUMBIA, Mo. (RNS) Voters in Missouri overwhelmingly approved a "right to pray" amendment to the state's constitution on Tuesday, despite concerns about the measure's necessity and legality.

Missouri to vote on prayer amendment as critics warn of legal nightmares

By Tim Townsend — August 3, 2012

ST. LOUIS (RNS) Missouri will vote next week on a constitutional amendment to protect Missourians' right to pray in public, but critics say it will open the door to all manner of unintended and costly consequences including endless taxpayer-funded lawsuits. By Tim Townsend.

ADL criticizes new bullying guidelines

By Lauren Markoe — May 24, 2012

WASHINGTON (RNS) The Anti-Defamation League is taking issue with new guidelines on bullying and religious speech in public schools that was spear-headed by other Jewish groups. By Lauren Markoe.

Guidelines seek line between free speech, bullying

By Lauren Markoe — May 22, 2012

WASHINGTON (RNS) A coalition of religious and civil rights groups released guidelines to balance two occasionally conflicting interests: students’ rights to free religious expression and their rights to remain safe from discrimination and bullying. By Lauren Markoe.

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