free exercise of religion

SCOTUS corrects an old mistake on religious rights

By Mark Silk — July 5, 2023
(RNS) — Liberal justices of the past would applaud a 9-0 decision in favor of religious pluralism.

Diet and free exercise: who gets to say whose belief is sincere?

By Brian Britt — June 20, 2019
(Sightings) — In the Masterpiece Cake case, Justice Kennedy wrote, “The reason and motive for the baker’s refusal were based on his sincere religious beliefs and convictions.” How did he know? How can we ever know?

House GOP moves to act on religion in vets’ funerals

By Chris Lisee — June 7, 2012

WASHINGTON (RNS) A proposed House bill would spell out families' rights to religious expression at military funerals while curtailing the government’s role. By Chris Lisee.

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