Labor Day

For ‘sandwich generation’ women, make this Labor Day weekend a Labor ‘sabbath’

By Amy Laura Hall — September 3, 2022
(RNS) — Women need labor unions to secure time for all of our work, as mothers, daughters and employees.

On Prime Day, Muslim workers and activists are organizing against Amazon

By Aysha Khan — July 16, 2019
(RNS) — With Amazon’s much-hyped Prime Day sale underway, Muslim workers and faith-based activists are leading major strikes and boycotts of the online retail giant’s biggest discount event of the year.

Catholic bishops side with labor unions in Supreme Court case

By Jack Jenkins — January 20, 2018
WASHINGTON (RNS) — The U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops equated the effect of a potential ruling against public sector unions' rights to collect fees from nonmembers to landmark decisions that legalized abortion and same-sex marriage.

Stressed-out Anglican priests turn to trade unions for support

By Catherine Pepinster — January 16, 2018
LONDON (RNS) — 'People nowadays expect and demand a quick response if they contact you. And there are some people who seem to feel free to express their anger to clergy in a way they would never do to someone else,' one priest explained.

Religious diversity is increasing at the office, and so are pitfalls

By David Gibson — August 29, 2013
RNS) The American workplace is becoming more religiously diverse and that is raising concerns about employer accommodations for believers -- and increasing the odds for uncomfortable moments around the water cooler. But part of the potential for conflict is also due to the growing number of nonbelievers and the desire by white evangelicals to share their faith.

COMMENTARY: Labor Day and the unions’ forgotten religious roots

By Adon Taft — August 29, 2013
(RNS) Overlooked in the decline of organized labor is what religion-and-economics expert Lew Daly calls “arguably the deepest, most serious problem” in unions today: “the corrosion wrought by secularism” in both unions and society at large.

Is work a punishment from God?

By Daniel Burke — August 30, 2012

(RNS) On the first Monday of September, America honors working stiffs by taking a paid day off. But does Labor Day celebrate an enterprise that God invented as a punishment? By Daniel Burke.

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