Rick Warren…he’s baaaack

After his star turn at the Inaugural a year ago, the Lord of Saddleback withdrew from the public stage in an act of benignant tzimtzum, permitting lesser lights of the religious firmament to do their shining and the creation of the Age of Obama to begin. But in recent weeks He has returned, setting off […]

After his star turn at the Inaugural a year ago, the Lord of Saddleback withdrew from the public stage in an act of benignant tzimtzum, permitting lesser lights of the religious firmament to do their shining and the creation of the Age of Obama to begin. But in recent weeks He has returned, setting off new thunderclaps of shock and awe. First there was the Encyclical Video, delivering the Word unto Uganda: Thou shalt not pass the Anti-Homosexuality Act. Which has elicited more gnashing of teeth than all the other spiritual objections, from the Vatican on down, combined. Then came the Urgent Call to the Chosen to come up with $900K for the Church of their Choice; and Lo, $2.4 million appeared, in a Miracle of Radical Generosity. Saddleback in trouble? As if!

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