12 Ash Wednesday selfies you don’t want to miss

Ashes-to-go? That's so two years ago. This year, Ash Wednesday was all about selfies and Twitter.

Screen shot 2014-03-06 at 9.37.14 AMAshes-to-go is soooo 2012.

This year, the hottest trend in Ash Wednesday observances was the Ash Wednesday selfie, popularized on social media with hashtags like #ashtag and #showyourash and #myashes. They were promoted by National Catholic Reporter, Busted Halo and even the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The WSJ covers the debate here.

Here are some of the highlights:




http://instagram.com/p/lLXgUetWjC/# (?)


And, for the record, I’m still not sure I’m totally on board:



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