
The UN vote left me homeless

By Jeffrey Salkin — December 26, 2016
Both the left and the right are rejoicing over the UN resolution. That's not good.

Obama plays the Jewish family card

By Mark Silk — August 29, 2015
But he does not overplay it.

In defense of the Crusades

By Mark Silk — February 10, 2015
Weren't they holy wars?

Obama channels St. Augustine in Iraq

By Mark Silk — August 11, 2014
The president seems to have taken a page from the first Christian thinker to advance a concept of just war.

10 names to replace Abe Foxman, the ‘Jewish pope’

By Lauren Markoe — February 11, 2014
(RNS) Who can replace the "Jewish pope"? Here are 10 possible names to succeed Abe Foxman at the Anti-Defamation League.

Faithless Democrats

By Mark Silk — May 25, 2010
Yesterday, WaPo’s Michelle Boorstein drew back the veil on the Democratic Party’s much vaunted commitment to religious outreach and revealed, whoops, that the Democratic National Committee has no vestments. Howard Dean donned them, not only to considerable fanfare but also, in important races around the country, to considerable effect. You’d have thought that Tim Kaine, […]

How Obama earned it

By Mark Silk — October 10, 2009
My brilliant wife suggests that what Obama did to earn the Nobel Prize was to succeed in getting Americans to elect a black man president. That’s the historic achievement that has elicited many prior plaudits at home and abroad–and made a difference in how human beings around the world understand themselves and their relations with […]

Hear Our Cry, O…

By Mark Silk — October 1, 2009
The folks over on Religious Connections nicely summarize the case of the “blasphemously doctored” video of a pro-health care reform religious service at which the congregants’ words have been altered from “Hear Our Cry, O God. Deliver Us, O God.” to Hear Our Cry, Obama. Deliver Us, Obama.” The video has gotten a good deal […]

The Great Equalizer

By Mark Silk — May 26, 2009
Frank Rich devoted his Memorial weekend column to smacking Barack Obama for going mute on the big equal rights issue of his presidency. The promised repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell has vanished down the rabbit hole, and as a succession of states has legalized same-sex marriage, nary a peep has issued from the White […]

The heart of the matter

By Mark Silk — May 17, 2009
Obama made his pitch for common ground at Notre Dame today: So let us work together to reduce the number of women seeking abortions, let’s reduce unintended pregnancies. (Applause.) Let’s make adoption more available. (Applause.) Let’s provide care and support for women who do carry their children to term. (Applause.) Let’s honor the conscience of […]

Obama Romana

By Mark Silk — April 30, 2009
Yesterday Rome spoke on The 100 Days and found that they were…not as bad as feared. According to the front-page story in L’Osservatore Romano, President Obama has operated with laudable caution, including on matters of ethics and morals. Notably, the pope’s paper found reason to praise the administration’s proposed guidelines for funding stem cell research […]

For financial guru Dave Ramsey, sour economy has an upside

By Bobby Ross Jr. — April 24, 2009
(RNS) — The Christian financial guru went on a nationwide tour to give hope during the last recession.

Thought for the Day

By Mark Silk — April 12, 2009
My 16-year-old son Isaac believes that if Bill Clinton was the first black president, then Barack Obama is the first Jewish president. Is there anything more to this than Obama’s being the first president to host a seder in the White House? Clinton seemed to merit his distinction by a certain elective affinity with blacks. […]

Grasping at the wrong straws

By Mark Silk — April 10, 2009
Yesterday, Wall Street Journal pontificator Daniel Henninger took it upon himself to give President Obama the old tut-tut for speaking in Turkey about seeking “mutual respect” with Islam but overlooking the lack of respect shown by Muslim countries for religious minorities in their midst. But, as pointed out in this space, the president did precisely […]

The Paine Wink

By Mark Silk — January 30, 2009
I spent last evening at the Connecticut Forum, where Christopher Hitchens, Peter Gomes, and Harold Kushner spent a couple of hours amusing the crowd with quips and barbs about God, religion, faith, and reason. On the anti-God side, Hitchens believes he has a new ally in the White House; to wit, that Obama is a […]
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